- We begin AP Review (lunch or after school on Wednesdays) in the next couple of weeks of 2nd semester – we will let you know
- Your national AP exam is on Mon., May 5th, 2024 @ 12 pm
- info on your Final details will be forthcoming
- I put all AP review info in AP Review . I will print out Review Sessions info for you & you will pick it up in class. Bring the handouts to the Review Sessions on Wednesday lunch. Bring a bag lunch!
Handy Handouts:
- scroll below to TAKE HOME LEQ prompt
- Unit VI Assignment Guide 2024-2025
- Corrected-Unit-VI-ID-List-2018-2019-Spielvogel-26e6c24-1dirzud (5)– giving you ID below
- Make sure you have 63 IDs TOTAL, not 61 or you won’t get XC. You must have info for ALL IDs (Louis Blanc & Louis Philippe)
- Utilitarianism (Jeremy Bentham): the doctrine that actions are right if they are useful or for the benefit of a majority.
the doctrine that an action is right insofar as it promotes happiness, and that the greatest happiness of the greatest number should be the guiding principle of conduct.
- Unit VI Test Review 2018 Spielvogel
- The Conservative Order Shaken in Europe
- Conservative Int\’l Order
- Industrialism and the New Labor Force
- Revolutions of 1848-map
- StructuresOfNineteenthCenturyGovernmentsWorksheet
- StructuresOfNineteenthCenturyGovernmentsPrimarySources/Absolute vs Limited Venn Diagram
- conservatism abroad wksht : Don’t worry about #10 (I will give you)
- Emerging Political Spectrum Wksht A-D – I already printed
- Nationalism, Liberalism, & Conservatism-29bfzvq (old format)
- notes short, get from a friend if absent
- Conservatism and Revolution Abroad student notes/slides
- Conservative Order Shaken in Europe student notes
- Industrial Rev student notes
- Industrial Revolution slides
- Political & Intellectual Responses to the IR student notes
Take-Home DBQ: pick up copy in class
- For your Take-Home DBQ – You must (in order to NOT lose pts off assignment):
- print this out, organize notes on it for 15 min., and write for 45 min. (60 min. total), and staple it to the FRONT of your written response.
- Make sure to attach the rubric to the BACK of your written response.
- label HAPPY & outside evidence as I’ve shown you. Use ALL docs (contextualization, etc. )
Notebook Handouts: No notebook anymore – just for your convenience
- Revolutions of 1848
- Century Chart
- appendix rise of constitutionalism and liberalism
- Unit VI Revolutions
- appendix women in history (you already got unit I) and it goes under 1st section in notebook
Seminars: These may be one of your essay questions I pick. Remember, I pick two (could be a question you’ve never seen), and you pick one of the two.
Take-Home LEQ: What were the causes of the Revolutions of 1848 and were they successful? Why or why not? Answer the question after looking at your notes on the Revolutions of 1848 today, the attached video on note slides should help & and rereading crash course.
- factors that allowed GB to be 1st to industrialize
- Cottage industry and factory production affects
- Metternich and C. of Europe suppression of lib & nat revs
- Compare reactions to liberalism 1820s and 1830s must BOTH be discussed
- migration following AG REV and how govt’s responded
- mechanization and the factory system changed family Well organized – This should be CCOT/causation – my mistake in saying periodization