

Welcome to AP European History!

This course is a rigorous but interesting class that will hopefully help you to see the world around you in a new light.  Learning about Europe’s past and present will aid in understanding how events from the past continue to influence the global community we live in.

Did you know?  College breaks down into two main academic skills, mathematics and language, which spread into almost all other disciplines.  This AP European course will improve and fine-tune  your language abilities at a faster rate than college preparation or honors courses by sheer quantity of information and  higher expectations.  Therefore, your writing and reading skills will improve immensely in the 8 months we will have together.  Sophomore students taking AP European History might be expected to read a 30-40 page chapter every week to week and a half.  The same student taking AP US History junior year must read a chapter every three days to a week.  By senior year in AP Government/Comparative the student reads a chapter every one to two days.  By the end of the student’s high school experience, he/she can now live through a college history course which would require him/her to read 150 pages each week.  You will be much better prepared for the college or university of your choice!

Congratulations!  You have chosen to take an academically challenging course your sophomore year.  Stay positive, and ask for help when you need it.  Don’t procrastinate!!! It’s your worst enemy.

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